The precautions taken to prevent the Butterfly virus from spreading

- Manage and prevent contamination according to international food production standards (GMP Codex) and USDA organic standards
- Inspect and measure the temperature of all staff and transport workers. If anyone experiences any discomfort such as coughing, sore throat, or fever, they are prohibited from entering the area immediately, and they must follow the guidelines provided by the Department of Disease Control to disinfect and prevent the spread of the infection
- The staff wear face masks all the time and sanitize their hands with alcohol every 20 minutes
- Every day, I clean the exterior and interior of my car, the refrigerator, and transportation-related equipment with disinfectant solution
- Clean and disinfect the area, prepare products and delivery baskets with 70% alcohol every day
- Spray 70% alcohol onto all the bags and delivery baskets before loading the products
- At every point of product delivery, the transportation worker sprays 70% alcohol on every bag of goods before they are handed over